Your Options for Building A Guest List

You've probably spent a lot of time to finalize your wedding guest list. Now is the time to make sure you have the correct contact information for your guests so you can send Save the Dates and Invitations. Modern Stamp offers a number of ways for you to build your guest list:

  1. Add Guests Individually: Quickly add email addresses OR phone numbers one by one, ensuring no duplicate RSVPs.
  2. Import Contacts: Import contacts from your email account or a spreadsheet file, with options to edit names post-import. You can only import phone numbers from a spreadsheet file. You cannot import phone numbers from your email account at this time.
  3. Upload A File: Upload a CSV spreadsheet file of contacts for easy integration into Modern Stamp. See this article for more information.
  4. Import from Webmail: Import contacts directly from popular webmail providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, and Hotmail.
  5. Contacts: Access stored email addresses and phone numbers from previous Modern Stamp invitations or Save the Dates, including browsing past guests.
  6. Add a List: Copy and paste a list of multiple email addresses or phone numbers at once, allowing for easy bulk additions.
    • You must separate these by commas, semicolons, or returns (ENTER). If you add phone numbers in this way, the name for each contact will just be a copy of the phone number. You can edit the names of those guests once added to your list.

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